Adults (18+): $150 for a 50 – 60 minute session. (Costs for online sessions via a secure video program for therapists will reflect the same costs as “in room” sessions)
Families: $190 per session for a 75 – 90 minute session
Children (3 – 17): $135 per session. Extra fees may be required for behaviour consultation if a requirement includes consulting with school staff, spending time in the home observing and consulting and/or attending case conferences.
Groups: Group fees will be determined based on number of group sessions and type of group. Please see the group tab under “services” for further information.
Graduate Student sessions are at a flat rate of $100
Counselling and Psychotherapy Services are not covered by OHIP, but they may be covered under a private health plan or employee group benefits plans. If you have insurance coverage, many insurance companies cover part or all of counselling.
Payment for sessions
All payments are due at the end of session, unless it is an e-transfer, which is due before arrival for appointment. Payment can be made through cash, cheque, debit and credit card.
We also offer a limited sliding scale (fees at a reduced price) for those who cannot afford the fees (fixed income, financial hardship) and do not have insurance coverage. Please contact me to discuss, proof of need may be required.
Counselling and Psychotherapy services may be covered through plans/providers such as:
• Benefit plan through DND and RCMP
• Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB)
• Extended health benefit plans (e.g. Blue Cross, Canada Life, Manulife, Empire Life, Sun Life, etc.)
• Long–term disability (LTD) carriers
• Motor vehicle insurance benefits
• Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)
• Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Our practice is under the consultation of Kevin Kapler, Psychological Associate, Registered with The College of Psychologists of Ontario. If Registered Psychotherapist/counsellor services are not covered by your insurance, it may be covered due to our consultation arrangement. I will issue you a receipt for reimbursement, indicating consultation and Kevin’s registration number and contact information.
Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:
Do I have mental health insurance benefits?
Do my benefits cover registered psychotherapists or counsellors? If not, will supervision under a registered social worker be covered? (if neither of these are covered I will consult with a clinical psychologist to allow for coverage).
Does the policy pay a set amount per visit or a proportion of the fee per visit or a total amount regardless of the number of sessions?
What is my deductible and has it been met?
How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
Is a referral required from my primary care physician? If so, this will have to be submitted with your claim.